Sunday, May 18, 2008


A 1975 film by Italian Director Pier Paolo Pasolini based on the book The 120 Days of Sodom by Marquis De Sade.It is acclaimed to be one of the most controversial and disturbing film in modern film history.

After watching it, graphically, it ain't as disturbing as reviews had concocted it to be however the ideology behind the film is definitely a disturbing one. I would probably think that Paolo was trying to use the context of the writings of Sade to illustrate the idea of fascism being totalitarian and its cruelty. These ideas were expressed through out the film with the teenagers being captured to conform to the laws of the "company" and non-conformists being punished severely at the last chapter of the film.Explicit graphic scene of degrading sexual acts were being shown through out which were probably meaning the degradation of humanity as what fascism does. Every scene and actions of the actors point out to certain meaning.

A question lies with the film for me was that of all context, why is this piece of Sade's writing being chosen to actually represent fascism? Of all themes but Paolo actually chose a piece with much sexual explorations, would that actually best represent human degradation? For one without any background knowledge of the film, it would be quite puzzling for him and taking the whole film as of its face-value and in this modern times, with so many gore-inflicting movies, this could be mistaken as one without knowing its background.Credits must be given to the actors for giving such daring acts fearlessly especially the four experienced whores brought in.I must applaud Paolo for this daring piece especially in the 1970s,nonetheless, it is one classic and only one of its kind. It is definitely sad that Paolo died after the film was being screened,for whatever reason it is still quite a mystery. This is still one not for the faint-hearted.

Clips from the film, maybe offensive to some people.

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