The movie felt like a closure to the whole series of Sex and the City, everyone of the character manage to fulfill their own life in the end. Carrie was finally with Mr B, Miranda got herself the nice family with Steve, Charlotte still living in her happily-ever-after days and lastly, Samantha went back to her free and sex-driven days. Besides the four characters, it would all be about the fashion for the ladies out there. But truthfully, not all are a success, there were few that were really flops. I must say most girls would definitely be envy with the Vivienne Westwood wedding gown. The movie does capture the essence of the New York life - fine dining, partying, designers' products and the whole lifestyle. I must say the Central Library really looks impressive, I definitely wouldn't mind holding a wedding there. One lesson for the guys, never run away from a wedding, realizing the mistake and go running back to the church, you would just be courting your own death. Eventually, do the ladies really go to the Big Apple to seek for love in real? I think that would be one interesting debate, just like the soundtrack by Fergie for the movie, shopping for labels or love.
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